RIAA's First Nations Peoples' Rights Working Group is an initiative to support members in their stewardship responsibilities respecting First Nations peoples' rights in their business operations and their portfolio of companies.
Join us for a special presentation and discussion on how the Te Ao Māori worldview has shaped and is shaping the Aotearoa New Zealand Stewardship Code, with Tawa Campbell-Seymour, Pouhoe | Executive Manager at ASB Bank.
Developed to support the creation and preservation of long-term value for current and future generations by responsibly managing and allocating capital, the Aotearoa NZ Stewardship Code recognises that the principles of effective stewardship are aligned with a Te Ao Māori worldview.
This session will be followed by our second First Nations Peoples' Rights Working Group meeting for 2023. We will also hear updates on the role of investors in the Australian Voice to Parliament and our working group's research project on First Nations Investment Markets.
Contact working group Chair Alan Dayeh, or Min Wah Voon for more information.
How to log into Zoom from Glue Up/registration link.