RI Australia 2020 is the region's largest gathering of responsible, ethical and impact investors, brought to you by the Responsible Investment Association Australasia (RIAA).
Every year RI Australia brings together the finance industry to reflect on the progress made in responsible investment, shine a light on the pioneers and leaders in sustainable finance, and focus in on the pathways and opportunities for driving stronger financial and impact performance into the future.
From modern slavery to climate change and the COVID-19 pandemic, the challenges facing Australia and the rest of the world continue to mount, however the unique role finance and investment can play in contributing to solutions is becoming clear.
Register now to be part of the solution and share your ideas and experiences at this year's RI Australia 2020 Conference.
Once you are registered
Once you are registered you'll receive confirmation via email. We'll be in touch early in the week of the conference to give you access to the conference platform so you can interact with sponsors, view videos, download content and even book meetings ahead of the event.
On Thursday 26 November you'll receive your link to join the online conference, then on Friday 27 November morning before we kick off we'll send you a reminder.
On 13 March, RIAA took the position to postpone the RI Australia Conference 2020 in light of the rapid escalation of infection in COVID-19, including advice by credible health authorities to ban mass gatherings, as well as increasing number of companies acting to constrain staff travel and meetings.
However, as communicated at the time, RIAA remains committed to running this event, that so many people have contributed towards creating. We believe that at this time it is especially important to continue to share insights and leading practices.
Our rescheduled plan for RI Australia will:
This continues to be a dynamic environment we're all working in, and so we will continue to be responsive to the ongoing impacts of COVID-19 in our RI Australia planning.