How do you, as an investor, start your reconciliation journey? What might a Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) look like for your organisation?
We are pleased to host a special session with Peter Morris, General Manager, Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) Program, and Billie Amor, RAP Program Officer, at Reconciliation Australia, to unpack these questions.
This will be complemented with practical insights from RIAA members, Julia Bailey (Melior IM) and Natasha Morris (Adamantem), on how their own organisations are approaching reconciliation.
This session will be followed by our second First Nations Peoples' Rights Working Group meeting for 2022. We will share updates, including on the Dhawura Ngilan Business and Investor Initiative and investors' contributions to the reform of Australian cultural heritage protection laws.
The Responsible Investment Association Australasia's (RIAA) First Nations Peoples' Rights Working Group is an initiative of RIAA to support members in their stewardship responsibilities respecting First Nations peoples' rights in their business operations and their portfolio of companies.
The First Nations Peoples' Rights Working Group has a three-fold purpose: address and advance the rights of First Nations peoples and others subjected to systemic racism; elevate First Nations peoples' participation and voices in investment and the Responsible Investment community; and increase access, scale and impact of First Nations peoples' related investment activity.
How to log into Zoom from Glue Up/registration link.