RIAA's First Nations Peoples' Rights Working Group is an initiative to support members in their stewardship responsibilities respecting First Nations peoples' rights in their business operations and their portfolio of companies.
The First Nations Peoples' Rights Working Group has a three-fold purpose: address and advance the rights of First Nations peoples and others subjected to systemic racism; elevate First Nations peoples' participation and voices in investment and the Responsible Investment community; and increase access, scale and impact of First Nations peoples' related investment activity.
To compliment the Working Group's research on First Nations Investment Markets (Currently in development), our next meeting will begin with a special presentation from Ben Ainsworth and a Q&A. Through Ben's experiences he views that the social and economic development of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people is inexorably tied to building connections between the Indigenous economy and the broader Australians economy and private sector investment. To achieve this, understanding the issues that create perceived risk that influences policies and private investment inflows is paramount. Ben will discuss Government approaches and the possible increased inclusion of designs to increase private capital inflows into the Indigenous economy by de-risking the investment environment–encouraging inflows and partnerships with Indigenous businesses. The design focus being to creating a supply side pull that increases labour force capabilities, governments investments in infrastructure, market access, and financial and data capabilities in communities. Legislative changes to mitigate risk and remove barriers to investment are also needed.
This will then be followed by an update from the First Nations Heritage Protection Alliance in regard to updates on their work and any legislative developments in relation to cultural heritage.
We will also hear updates on the Dhawura Ngilan Business and Investor Initiative, and First Nations Investment Markets Research, as well as the Aotearoa Update, the StockWatch Report and RIAA's Policy Update.
How to log into Zoom from Glue Up/registration link.