Join us for a special briefing and Q&A with Professor John McMillan AO, who is leading the review of the Modern Slavery Act in Australia. We will also hear from Andy Symington, Associate Director of Human Rights and Social Impact at KPMG Australia, co-author of Climate Change and Human Rights: A guide for institutional investors, produced in collaboration with RIAA's Human Rights Working Group.
These sessions will be followed by the third Human Rights Working Group Meeting for 2022, which all members are invited to attend. Our meeting will share updates on the most important human rights risks for investors, including conflict-affected and prone areas and issues related to big tech.
Contact HRWG Chair, Måns Carlsson, OAM or Min Wah Voon for more information.
1. RIAA's Investor Toolkit: Human Rights with a Focus on Supply Chains
This new 2nd edition of RIAA Human Rights Working Group highly popular toolkit is a vital industry resource. Updated at the end of 2021 by leading experts, it provides the latest knowledge and insights to help investors engage constructively with companies in order to encourage better practice, thereby reducing human rights risks in supply chains.
2. Member Musing - Tackling the scourge of modern slavery: an investor perspective
Recent events such as the COVID-19 pandemic and the Russia-Ukraine conflict, have exacerbated the conditions that allow modern slavery to flourish. Kate Turner, Deputy Global Head of Responsible Investment at First Sentier Investors argues that investors have a meaningful role to play in creating a better world through collaboration and cooperation. Read more.
How to log into Zoom from Glue Up/registration link.