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Mark Andrich (Founder & CEO of Sustainable Platform)

Mark Andrich

Founder & CEO of Sustainable Platform

Mark Andrich is the founder and CEO of Sustainable Platform, which provides fund managers with the world’s largest database of companies measured for their contribution to sustainable development. Prior to launching Sustainable Platform in 2017, Mark held the role of a hedge fund equities analyst and trader in New York during the 2000s, where he researched technology, water, and energy companies. Returning to his hometown of Perth after his time in New York, Mark pursued a PhD on the topic of sustainability of WA’s energy and water resources from the perspective of wealth inequity. His PhD research proved that land clearing led to around half of the rainfall decline experienced in southwest Australia. Mark’s additional research contributed to WA’s establishing its state sovereign wealth fund. In 2018 Mark won the Pearcey WA Entrepreneur of the Year at the INCITE Awards, recognising his contributions to ICT innovation.

Dr Zsuzsa Banhalmi (Manager of Research at Responsible Investment Association Australasia)

Dr Zsuzsa Banhalmi

Manager of Research at Responsible Investment Association Australasia

Zsuzsa is RIAA's Manager of Research. Her role is to look after the research efforts of the organisation, which include ensuring the continued success of existing projects and reimagining RIAA’s research for the future.

Zsuzsa has an extensive track record as researcher, spending the last nine years in academia. She completed a PhD in sustainable finance and worked extensively with investors and the not-for-profit sector in the region on topics such as climate adaptation finance, blue finance, and the identification of environmental risks and opportunities. Prior to moving to Australia, she was a senior consultant for Deloitte in Europe where she was first exposed to the power of responsible investment and lending to make a positive difference. Zsuzsa is passionate about helping capital move into ventures that make investments responsible and our world more sustainable for present and future generations.

Dean Hegarty (Executive Manager at RIAA)

Dean Hegarty

Executive Manager at RIAA

Dean leads RIAA’s member engagement, events, marketing and communications functions, and heads RIAA's Aotearoa NZ branch. He works with 500+ global and locally based Asset Managers, Superfunds, Kiwisaver providers, Financial Advisors and Wealth Platforms to help them align their capital with sustainable outcomes. Dean is also a member of the National Advisory Board on Impact Investing in NZ.

Sandra Silea (Director – ESG and Stewardship of AustralianSuper)

Sandra Silea

Director – ESG and Stewardship of AustralianSuper
Leilani Weier (Head of Responsible Investment & Sustainability at Rest Super)

Leilani Weier

Head of Responsible Investment & Sustainability at Rest Super

Over the last four years, Leilani has led the development of Rest’s Responsible Investment and Sustainability strategies and implementation, sitting on the Management Investment Committee.

Leilani’s professional motivation is to drive outcomes across teams; and manage ESG and climate-related factors to reduce risks and enhance investment performance for Rest members.

She has enjoyed working in the U.K., the U.S., in regional and rural Australia, and across a range of sectors, all government, corporate and finance. Leilani holds a degree in Environmental Science (Natural Resources) from the University of Queensland, holds the One Planet MBA from the University of Exeter (with Dean’s Commendation) and is a Chartered Environmentalist.