BNP Paribas Asset Management is the dedicated, autonomous asset management business of BNP Paribas, one of the world's major financial institutions. We provide our clients with a full range of asset management services from our investment centres around the world.
We have been committed to sustainability since 2002. We seek to integrate sustainable investment practices across all our strategies and we ensure stewardship is a central component.
BNP Paribas Asset Management Australia Limited is proud to be a member of the Responsible Investment Association Australasia (‘RIAA’).
As a leader in the Responsible Investment space, we believe investing responsibly isn’t just about embracing the social values and global concerns we share with our clients. It is about investing in a brighter future that delivers long-term rewards for both our clients and future generations.
Investing means the world to us.
FTSE Russell is a global index leader that provides innovative benchmarking, analytics and data solutions for investors worldwide. With 20 years of sustainable investment experience, FTSE Russell provides clients with sustainable investment data models, ratings, analytics, and indexes covering thousands corporates, and the main sovereign issuers globally
Proud to be a RIAA member for over 10 years.
Pendal Group is an ASX-listed global asset manager with approximately A$100.4 billion in assets under management. Responsible investing is part of Pendal’s heritage, with its first ESG-orientated strategy being launched in 1984. Today, Pendal manages approximately A$2.4 billion in actively managed ethical and sustainable investment strategies across multiple asset classes. is one of the world’s premier fixed income investment managers and a leader in ESG engagement in fixed income. Our ESG platform aims to push bond markets further and we are committed to the integration of ESG factors in our investment process and in developing innovative ESG solutions for clients.”It has never been more important to realise RIAA’s mission of aligning capital with achieving a healthy and sustainable society, environment and economy. RIAA brings us together to transform the economy to this end. This task is unprecedented, but as Mandela, said “it always seems impossible until it is done”.