Henning is an expert in the area of arms control and the defence industry. Prior to joining ISS ESG in 2011, he was an intern and research assistant in the Arms Transfers Programme at the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI). Prior to his time at SIPRI, Henning was a Junior Fellow at the George C. Marshall European Center for Security Studies in Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany. Henning holds an MA in Peace and Conflict Studies from the University of Marburg and a BA in Social Science and Economics from the University of Siegen, both in Germany.
Kate is an ESG Analyst at Pathfinder Asset Management, helping to develop and implement Pathfinder’s ethical investment strategy. With an interest in global change and sustainability, she is passionate about driving the transformation of the financial system to one that is inclusive, stakeholder-centred and aligned with sustainable development. Kate joined the Pathfinder team in 2018 and holds a Bachelor of Science from Massey University and a Postgraduate Diploma in Environmental Science from AUT.
As RIAA’s Manager of Operations and Member Services, Josh works across all areas of RIAA, back and front office. Josh is often the first point of contact for members and he provides support on many areas of RIAA's work plan, in particular working closely with RIAA’s financial adviser members. Josh holds a Bachelor of Commerce and Laws and a Diploma in Financial Planning.
Emily is the Chief Impact Officer at Future Super Investment Services and is an Executive Member on the Investment Committee. Her team is responsible for ensuring Future Super Investment Services’s investment strategy meets the ethical and impact objectives of members for Future Super, Verve Super, and Cruelty Free Super through the implementation of bespoke screening and stewardship activities. Emily holds an Advanced Masters of Social Impact through the Centre of Social Impact and Swinburne University, is a member of the Responsible Investment Committee for the BetaShares Capital ethical ETFs, and was a member of the Australian Sustainable Finance Initiative (ASFI).
Previously she has worked in consulting and program design for non-profits, philanthropists and corporate social responsibility programs. She holds an Advanced Masters of Social Impact through the Centre of Social Impact and Swinburne University and is a member of the Australian Sustainable Finance Initiative (ASFI).
Dave is a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ and SMSF Specialist Advisor™ and has been advising clients for the past 19 years. He is accredited by the Responsible Investment Association Australasia (RIAA) as a Certified Responsible Investment Adviser.
In 2019, Dave was appointed as a Director of RIAA. He sits on RIAA’s Certification Assessment Panel and is co-chair of RIAA’s Financial Adviser Forum.
Dave is also a member of the Ethical Advisers’ Co-op and participated as a Working Group member of the Australian Sustainable Finance Initiative (ASFI). He holds a BEc (Accounting) and Graduate Diploma Financial Planning.