CEO of Responsible Investment Association Australasia
Listed Company Briefing Martin Hunter
An insight into the role of ESG in their strategy and purpose, and a broader insight into the role of insurance in delivering a sustainable finance sector.
Martin Hunter
Chief Risk Officer at IAG NZ
Launch of New Zealand Consumer Research – what do Kiwi’s expect from the way their savings and investments are managed? Nicolette Boele•Barry Coates•Vinnie Wadhera
Jointly presented by RIAA and Mindful Money presenting research undertaken by Colmar Brunton Followed by an investor viewpoint – how consumer research is useful for investors – by BetaShares
Nicolette Boele
Executive Manager Policy, Research & Certification at Responsible Investment Association Australasia
Barry Coates
Founder and CEO of Mindful Money
Vinnie Wadhera
Executive Director – Institutional & Adviser Business of Betashares
Morning Tea
Intergenerational investing and governance – a Maori perspective Tama Potaka•Robert Joseph
Insights into Maori governance and intergenerational perspectives from Iwi, including how this influences long term investing perspectives.
Tama Potaka
Senior Advisor at NZ Superfund
Robert Joseph
Waikato University
Investor responses to a changing climate Kristen Le Mesurier•Simon O'Grady•Catalina Secreteanu•Sam Stubbs•Slade Robertson
Regulation is moving ahead rapidly to shift NZ towards a low carbon economy. Investors are stepping up as active owners to ensure capital is aligned to support this transition with the full tool kit available to responsible investors. How are investors using this full suite of responsible investing tools?
Kristen Le Mesurier
Portfolio manager at AMP Capital Investors Limited
Simon O'Grady
Chief Investment Officer at KiwiWealth
Catalina Secreteanu
Managing Director APAC of Sustainalytics
Sam Stubbs
Managing Director of Simplicity NZ Ltd
Slade Robertson
Managing Director of Devon Funds Management Limited
Leading ESG Research Panel Nina Haysler•Kathryn McDonald•Rebecca Thomas•Michael Salvatico
What are the ESG trends to watch? ESG insights to better inform our investments.
Nina Haysler
Research Project Manager at CAER - Corporate Analysis. Enhanced Responsibility
Kathryn McDonald
Head of Sustainable Investing at Rosenberg Equities
Rebecca Thomas
CEO of Mint Asset Management
Michael Salvatico
ESG Research Client Coverage at MSCI ESG Research (Australia) Pty Limited
The Policy landscape for NZ Responsible Investors John Berry•Paul Richardson•Robert Sloan•Erica Miles
An update on the latest policy developments of relevance to responsible investment
John Berry
CEO of Pathfinder Asset Management
Paul Richardson
Chair of NZ Corporate Governance Forum
Robert Sloan
Head of Disclosure, Capital Markets at Financial Markets Authority
Erica Miles
Director of KPMG New Zealand
Afternoon Tea
RI in Private Markets Nicolette Boele•Jon Collinge•Andrew Frankham•Roy Thompson
Plenary - RI in Private Markets A look at ESG in private markets investments – what approaches are being used across different assets to consider ESG risks and opportunities – good practice, tools and case studies.
Nicolette Boele
Executive Manager Policy, Research & Certification at Responsible Investment Association Australasia
Jon Collinge
Sustainability Director of H.R.L. Morrison & Co Limited
Andrew Frankham
Direct Capital
Roy Thompson
Managing Director of New Ground Capital Limited
Impact Investment in NZ Alastair Rhodes•David Woods•Iyanthi Wijayanayake
The state of play – presented in conjunction with the Impact Investment National Advisory Board (II NAB) Impact investing has been estimated to have potential of attracting $5 bill of investment – where is this likely to emerge from and what are the investment opportunities?
Alastair Rhodes
Chief Executive at BayTrust
David Woods
Chairman at Impact Enterprise Fund
Iyanthi Wijayanayake
Director of Giving Architects Ltd
Listed Company CEO Address Fraser Whineray
Mercury NZ Limited ESG Story
Fraser Whineray
Chief Executive at Mercury NZ Limited
Keynote address Elizabeth Yeaman
Keynote address: Reshaping NZ's transport system - the future for electric vehicles
Elizabeth Yeaman
Managing Director of Retyna
Conference Wrap Up Matthew Mimms•Simon O'Connor
Matthew Mimms
Managing Director of The Investment Store
Simon O'Connor
CEO of Responsible Investment Association Australasia
Networking drinks & canapés
Wealth management and financial advice David Beattie•Henry Ford•Hayden Griffiths•Leah Willis
Wealth management and financial advice in responsible investing–how is RI being embedded in wealth management and financial advice and what are the tools available
David Beattie
Joint CEO and CIO of Booster Investment Management
Henry Ford
Director of Rutherford Rede Ltd
Hayden Griffiths
Head of Asset Allocation at JB Were
Leah Willis
Head of Client Relationships at Australian Ethical Investment
Dinner Patrick McVeigh
The NZ government has articulated a strong commitment to delivering on a sustainable development agenda consistent with the UN's Sustainable Development Goals. One such goal requires a deep rethink of the way our economy operates, and the way companies do business - Goal 12 on Responsible Consumption and Production. Patrick McVeigh will present on the massive economic and environmental opportunities that present themselves from a transition to a circular economy, based on work he contributed to that found over $8.8 billion in additional economic activity could be liberated in Auckland city by a shift to the circular economy.
Patrick McVeigh
Practice Lead, People and Places at Martin Jenkins
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