Our third RIAA member Human Rights Working Group meeting for 2021 will be held on Tuesday 14 September at 12:00 noon AEST / 2:00pm NZST.
In this meeting we'll look at exposures to forced labour in the supply chain of clean energy and renewables. We are pleased to host a special presentation and Q&A with Kim Randle, Executive Director and Principal Lawyer at Fair Supply. Kim Randle is a sought-after expert and speaker in the field of modern slavery. Read Fair Supply's latest report, Understanding the Global Solar Energy Supply Chain.
We will also hear from Transparency International Australia's Research and Policy Manager, Lisa Caripis, on its briefing papers for investors explaining how corruption affects ESG outcomes in mining and what investors need to do to ensure they are investing responsibly.
Ahead of our meeting, you are invited to share any relevant information on challenges you might be facing arising the clean energy supply chain, or any opportunities (for example, corporate engagement). We will collate this for sharing at the meeting and you may choose to contribute this anonymously if you prefer.
Contact HRWG Chair, Måns Carlsson, or Min Wah Voon for more information.
How to log into Zoom from Glue Up/registration link.