New legal opinions are advising that prudent directors and businesses should be starting on the path to identify, assess and manage nature-related risks, particularly if they depend on the environment for their business model. Join RIAA's Nature Working Group for a special presentation with legal experts on this important area that is emerging globally and locally.
Nicola Swan, Partner at Chapman Tripp, will present The Aotearoa Circle's new legal opinion on directors duties to manage nature-related risk. The opinion highlights current and anticipated regulatory and market trends to allow directors on the boards of Aotearoa New Zealand businesses that are particularly reliant on natural capital to stay "ahead of the curve", drawing upon new global and local frameworks, regulations and expectations.
Laura Waterford, Director at Pollination, will share an update on the emerging legal picture in Australia.
This special presentation will be followed by our Nature Working Group meeting, which will include the latest industry updates and progress on our workplan.
Contact Min Wah Voon for more information.
How to log into Zoom from Glue Up/registration link.