Registration open
Welcome to Country
Welcome to Country - Uncle Allen Madden from Metropolitan Local Aboriginal Land Council
Welcome from RIAA Simon O'Connor
Simon O'Connor
CEO of Responsible Investment Association Australasia
Conflict, war and the challenges for ESG Alexis Cheang•Estelle Parker•Ross Piper•Paul Clements-Hunt
The invasion of Ukraine has raised bare a number of critical ESG issues that many in the sector were not prepared for. There are critical lessons for RI from this conflict and the many other conflicts around the globe that are forcing responsible investors to think afresh on our role in responding to these great global challenges.
Alexis Cheang
Partner, Acting Global Business Leader, Sustainable Investment at Mercer Australia
Estelle Parker
Executive Manager at Responsible Investment Association Australasia
Ross Piper
CEO of Christian Super
Paul Clements-Hunt
Chief Executive Officer at The Blended Capital Group
Creating green products while avoiding the wash Rachel Alembakis•Brendan Baker•Ryan Korinke•Dr Stuart Palmer
How do you ensure you are not greenwashing? What do you need to do to ensure you are marketing products correctly, and substantiating your responsible investment claims? This session will provide insights on how to avoid greenwashing, how to appropriately market products, and ensure you’re delivering investments that align with expectations of your clients.
Rachel Alembakis
Managing Editor at FS Sustainability
Brendan Baker
Vice President, ESG Climate Specialist at MSCI
Ryan Korinke
Managing Director and Global Head of Sustainability at PIMCO
Dr Stuart Palmer
Head of Ethics Research at Australian Ethical
Morning tea
From divestment to engagement: a fresh look at this age old debate in the era of active ownership 2.0 Susheela Peres da Costa•Sujaya Desai•Kim Farrant•Trevor Thomas
The abrupt divestments that followed Russia’s invasion of Ukraine re-ignited a decades-old debate about “exit versus voice.” This session applies the elements of Active Ownership 2.0, to identify the circumstances under which each will be effective, and the role of different types of investors in each.
Susheela Peres da Costa
Chair at Responsible Investment Association Australasia
Sujaya Desai
Portfolio Manager, Analyst at Stewart Investors
Kim Farrant
General Manager Responsible Investment at HESTA
Trevor Thomas
Managing Director of Ethinvest
So you've committed, to net zero… what next? Jens Peers•Sybil Dixon•Julia Leske•Liza McDonald
You've taken the first step, now the real work awaits. What is needed to move from words to deeds and rapidly decarbonise your portfolio? This session is an overview of the practical steps investors need to take once they have formalised a commitment to net zero.
Jens Peers
CEO and CIO of Mirova US
Sybil Dixon
Governance and Sustainability Manager at UniSuper Management
Julia Leske
Head of ESG, Australia and New Zealand at ISS Australia Pty Ltd
Liza McDonald
Head of Responsible Investment at Aware Super
Racial equity: the next diversity frontier? Brian Cahill•Adam Davids•Iris Davila•Alan Dayeh
What can investors do to promote racial equity in the workplace and through their investment decisions? Which international developments can be leveraged and how applicable are they to the Australian context? Gender diversity has become a mainstream issue for the corporate and finance sectors – with the rise of the Black Lives Matter movement, will racial and ethnic diversity be next? And how can your organisation equip itself to embrace this challenge?
Brian Cahill
Managing Director – Global Environmental, Social and Governance of Moody's Investors Service Pty Limited
Adam Davids
Co-Founder and CEO of First Nations Equity Partners
Iris Davila
Director of BlackRock
Alan Dayeh
Managing Principal at Point Advisory Pty Ltd
Active Ownership 2.0: Responsible investment and First Nations peoples’ rights • RIAA's First Nations Peoples' Rights Working Group Jamie Lowe•Cath Brokenborough•Alan Dayeh•Claire Heeps
Using real world examples, this session will unpack what is Active Ownership 2.0 as it relates to First Nations peoples' rights, and how business and investors are coming together with First Nations leaders to build systemic change. It will explore how investors can positively influence issues related to First Nations Peoples, including cultural heritage management and Free Prior and Informed Consent, and discuss what comes next.
Jamie Lowe
CEO of National Native Title Council
Cath Brokenborough
Chair at Dhawura Ngilan Business and Investor Initiative
Alan Dayeh
Managing Principal at Point Advisory Pty Ltd
Claire Heeps
Senior Responsible Investment Adviser at HESTA
Afternoon tea
Net zero: How some of Australia's most iconic brands are moving beyond just commitments Fiona Wild•Kylie Porter•Andrew Parker•Gretta Stephens
What does net zero look like for a company built, in part, by emitting carbon? How does it tackle the challenge? Explore the opportunities and issues that the increased focus on sustainability is bringing to some of Australia's iconic companies, and how companies are engaging with and responding to investors.
Fiona Wild
Vice President, Sustainability and Climate Change at BHP
Kylie Porter
Executive DIrector of UN Global Compact Network Australia
Andrew Parker
Chief Sustainability Officer at QANTAS
Gretta Stephens
Chief Executive Climate Change & Sustainability at BlueScope
Think global, act local: The global momentum impacting Australia's markets Simon O'Connor•James Alexander•Masaru Arai•Patricia Fletcher•Hugo Gallagher•Bryan McGannon
Globally, responsible investment continues to take up ever stronger focus in the world's major finance markets. But how is this playing out differently across those markets, and what are the global developments that will impact us here in Australia. Hear from CEO's of the world's leading sustainable investment organisations, chaired by RIAA CEO and GSIA Chair, Simon O'Connor.
Simon O'Connor
CEO of Responsible Investment Association Australasia
James Alexander
Chief Executive at UKSIF: UK Sustainable Investment & Finance Association
Masaru Arai
Chair at Japan Sustainable Investment Forum
Patricia Fletcher
Chief Executive Officer at Responsible Investment Association Canada
Hugo Gallagher
Senior Policy Adviser at Eurosif
Bryan McGannon
Director of Policy and Programs at US SIF
Conference day 1 WRAP UP Ross Piper
Ross Piper
CEO of Christian Super
Registration open
Welcome back from RIAA Estelle Parker
Estelle Parker
Executive Manager at Responsible Investment Association Australasia
Investing in Accessibility Graeme Innes AM
The importance of disability for diversity and an accessible built environment for equality, addressing why disability should form part of any human rights approach by investors.
Graeme Innes AM
Lawyer, author, and company director
Defining the new era of responsible investment Fiona Reynolds
Keynote - Fiona Reynolds, Conexus Financial
Fiona Reynolds
CEO of Conexus Financial
Morning tea
Putting nature at the heart of finance • RIAA's Nature Working Group Adam Kanzer•Guy Williams•Radha Kuppalli•Shara Lohrasb
This session will examine why nature has become one of the top issues for investors and the finance sector. Experts and practitioners will examine the business case, risks, opportunities and systemic considerations of nature and natural capital for investors, as well as the latest developments from the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) and the response from Australian stakeholders. This session will bring together leading international and domestic knowledge and expertise about how we can meet the challenge of putting nature at the heart of finance in Australia.
Adam Kanzer
Head of Stewardship – Americas at BNP Paribas Asset Management
Guy Williams
Co-Chair of Nature Working Group & Director, Biodiversity and Natural Capital - Sustainability and Climate Change at Deloitte
Radha Kuppalli
Managing Director of New Forests Asset Management Pty Limited
Shara Lohrasb
Co-Chair of Nature Working Group & Associate Director at Clean Energy Finance Corporation
Keynote, Stephen Jones MP
Stephen Jones MP
Federal Member for Whitlam and Shadow Assistant Treasurer and Shadow Minister for Financial Services and Superannuation
Isn’t net zero enough? The investor role in driving a just transition for workers and communities Warrick Jordan•Rebecca Mikula-Wright•Chris Newton•Karrina Nolan
Investors are starting to pay attention to the social consequences of climate change. As the world's economy responds to climate change, what investment approaches can be brought to bear to ensure the transition is a just one that supports an inclusive economy and sustainable development?
Warrick Jordan
Coordinator at Hunter Jobs Alliance
Rebecca Mikula-Wright
Chris Newton
Executive Director, Responsible Investment of IFM Investors Pty Ltd
Karrina Nolan
Executive Director of Original Power
Invest like a girl: How to seize opportunities in women led investments Kathryn McDonald•Julia Bailey•Kate Howitt•Camilla Love
By not investing with a gender lens, investors are missing out on attractive investment opportunities. Gender equality is not just about supporting women. It is about harnessing the power and knowledge of 50% of the population to build innovative solutions to today's problems. Evidence shows that all-women and mixed-gender teams outperform all-male portfolio management teams, and that companies with at least one female founder outperform all-male founder teams. In this session, hear from a panel of experts on how to integrate a gender lens to capitalise on investment opportunities.
Kathryn McDonald
Co-Founder of Radiant ESG
Julia Bailey
Head of Advocacy Strategy / Senior Research Analyst at Melior Investment Management
Kate Howitt
Portfolio Manager at Fidelity International
Camilla Love
Managing Director, eInvest Australia; Founder of F3 – Future Females in Finance
Afternoon tea
Consolidation of reporting standards – is this the silver bullet we’ve been waiting for? Sue Lloyd•Georgina Camp•Carly Hammond•Patrick Viljoen
We are seeing increased harmonisation of frameworks and standards for managing impact and sustainability reporting - some being legislated and others remaining voluntary. What is the current state of play, the merits of the various offerings and the remaining gaps in the market?
Sue Lloyd
Vice-Chair at International Sustainability Standards Board
Georgina Camp
Managing Director and Founder of Huber Social
Carly Hammond
Impact Investment Forum Program Manager at Responsible Investment Association Australasia
Patrick Viljoen
Senior Manager ESG at CPA Australia
How to become a Responsible Investment Leader? Edward Lees•Simon O'Connor•Zsuzsa Banhalmi-Zakar
Edward Lees
Co-head Environmental Strategies Group & Co-lead Portfolio Manager at BNP Paribas Asset Management
Simon O'Connor
CEO of Responsible Investment Association Australasia
Zsuzsa Banhalmi-Zakar
Research Manager at Responsible Investment Association Australasia RIAA
Conference WRAP UP Susheela Peres da Costa
Susheela Peres da Costa
Chair at Responsible Investment Association Australasia
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