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Jocelyn Weatherall (Director, Adviser of Rutherford Rede Ltd)

Jocelyn Weatherall

Director, Adviser of Rutherford Rede Ltd

Jocelyn is the Chair of Rutherford Rede Limited. She studied Commerce and Arts at Auckland University before spending eight years in corporate research and advisory positions. A founding committee member of the Association of Investment Advisers and Financial Planners (IAFP) in 1985 and an Inaugural Board Member of the Association, Jocelyn have been long-established in the advisory industry. In 2011 Jocelyn became one of the first Authorised Financial Advisers to complete the National Certificate of Financial Services. She is an Accredited Investment Fiduciary as well as being certified under the standards of the Centre for Fiduciary Excellence.

John Berry (CEO of Pathfinder Asset Management)

John Berry

CEO of Pathfinder Asset Management

John is an advocate for responsible investment and for greater transparency around investment products. He is CEO (and co-founder) of Pathfinder Asset Management, a boutique fund manager specialising in ethical investment. Pathfinder manages a range of ethical funds and also the CareSaver KiwiSaver Scheme.

John is a trustee of the Men’s Health Trust NZ. He is also an independent director of Punakaiki Fund (an investor in NZ growth and tech businesses) and a member of the Financial Advice Code Working Group.

Carly Hammond (Head of Marketing at Responsible Investment Association Australasia)

Carly Hammond

Head of Marketing at Responsible Investment Association Australasia

Carly’s focus is on building business as force for good and harnessing the power of individuals to effect change whether as a consumer, business owner or investor. As Head of Marketing and the Impact Investment Forum Program Manager for the Responsible Investment Association Australasia, she is focused on growing awareness of and deepening participation in responsible, ethical and impact investing. She is also Company Secretary for B Lab Australia & New Zealand, and was previously the Director of Engagement and Communications at Impact Investing Australia where she played a central role putting impact investing on the map and engaging new market participants. Carly has extensive experience delivering campaigns and partnerships spanning the private, public and not for profit sectors in Australia, Asia and Africa. At Oxfam Australia, Carly designed award-winning campaigns for fairer international trade rules and generating consumer demand for fair trade products. For the Australian Conservation Foundation, Carly led communications and partnership development to promote the transition to an economy that delivers wellbeing alongside a healthy environment.

Barry Coates (Founder and CEO of Mindful Money)

Barry Coates

Founder and CEO of Mindful Money

Barry Coates is the founder and CEO of Mindful Money, a charity based in New Zealand, that aims to channel investment towards high social and environmental standards and positive impact. The objective is to significant increase the demand for responsible investment through social marketing and a dedicated online platform. Barry has been involved in responsible investment since the early 1990s and played a leading role in building demand for fair trade in NZ. He has a Masters from Yale University in management, experience as a business strategy consultant and has been the CEO of charities, most recently Oxfam New Zealand 2003-2014. He was a Green MP 2016-17.